Meet the Team


Meet the Team

We feel fortunate that our local community college, College of the Canyons, offers an amazing Intern Program. To date we have had several interns which have all been amazing! They come with a desire to learn, fresh & new ideas and are not afraid of a little hard work. We love it when they still want to stay onboard as a volunteer once their internship is completed! So, we continue to train them and hope that once we are in a position to hire, they will decide that this will be their mission home for years to come. It is a win-win situation for everyone involved, the college, our interns, and the company. We are so proud and grateful for each of our Interns and plan to continue to keep our intern program going indefinitely.



​Founder, Mentor and Compassion Leader

The road to recovery is paved by Laura Linder. She lives her promises and is in daily contact with everyone receiving treatment at Exclusively First Responders. She sees beyond today and understands that the crisis in our country is just beginning so now is the time to take action to save lives!


​SCORE Mentor

Exclusively First Responders is proud to be guided by this great man! A retired psychologist, awarded author and journalist, and all around


​Real Estate Investor, Board Member

Patty understands that a ‘sacred space’ is a necessity for professionals who want to recover in confidence. Her expertise to find locations to fit our clients needs is impeccable.


Mentor in Non Profit Sector

Candace has an abundance of experience with addiction treatment and recovery, and has been a trusted advisor in out non profit efforts. Candace is compassionate and empathetic to those individuals and their families who are suffering.


Chief Family Officer

Michaela Sword is our Chief Medical Family Officer at Exclusively First Responders, and ensures that our Family Facilities and care are second to none. Michaela brings a wealth of experience and knowledge after working with addicts and their families for over two decades.


Chief Financial Officer
Chairman of the Board

Mark Hughes has an abundance of experience with business and finance, and understands that addiction and mental health industries are in crisis! – ‘we need more recovery centers and professionals in this industry’. Mark has been our guiding light with his experience, compassion and guidance.


Head of Operation Outreach

As a retired Firefighter, Jeff has an abundance of experience with addiction and mental health issues among his peers. We are proud to call Jeff a friend, mentor, and passionate supporter of saving first responders. If you are in emergent need of help, contact Jeff today!


Danielle Thompson

Student Majoring in Business Marketing

Hi my name is Danielle Thompson and I am currently a student majoring in business marketing. I am Exclusively First Responders’ media intern and I help them form ads for their social media pages. I love helping others and giving back to the community.

David Diaz

intern from the beginning of our Internship program

David has been an original intern from the beginning of our Internship program. He has an eye for detail and continues to amaze us with his exceptional work ethic. David created an ad for one of our campaigns that has received more traction than any other campaign that we have used. We are proud to have him as a part of our team.

Kerwin Cayton 'KC'

personal trainer, physical therapy aide

KC’s passion for biochemistry, exercise science, nutrition, and medicine has led him on a life-long path of learning. His work as personal trainer, physical therapy aide, EMT, and public health has developed his commitment to public service. His career goals are to discover sustainable and creative solutions that address health disparities and inequities, particularly within underserved and disadvantaged populations. KC finds fulfillment in inspiring and helping others reach their best version of health by emphasizing preventative, holistic, and evidence-based practices. His favorite hobbies are weightlifting, basketball, mixed-martial arts, deep-sea fishing, and snorkeling.

Lacey Periera

social media and hands on outreach

Lacey Periera has been a great addition to our original intern team. Her enthusiasm and upbeat attitude has brought great energy to the team. She began as an app developer and has expanded into helping with social media and hands on outreach. What a joy to have on our team.

Marylou Juaraz


Marylou Juaraz is an amazing photographer and has been working on several projects for us in the video & podcast world. We are so happy to have her as a part of our team! She is working on our documentary, keeping footage as we grow. It is exciting to see how her creativity is unfolding and we hope she will plan to stay with our team long term.


​Founder, Mentor and Compassion Leader

The road to recovery is paved by Laura Linder. She lives her promises and is in daily contact with everyone receiving treatment at Exclusively First Responders. She sees beyond today and understands that the crisis in our country is just beginning so now is the time to take action to save lives!


​SCORE Mentor

Exclusively First Responders is proud to be guided by this great man! A retired psychologist, awarded author and journalist, and all around


​Real Estate Investor, Board Member

Patty understands that a ‘sacred space’ is a necessity for professionals who want to recover in confidence. Her expertise to find locations to fit our clients needs is impeccable.


Mentor in Non Profit Sector

Candace has an abundance of experience with addiction treatment and recovery, and has been a trusted advisor in out non profit efforts. Candace is compassionate and empathetic to those individuals and their families who are suffering.


Chief Family Officer

Michaela Sword is our Chief Medical Family Officer at Exclusively First Responders, and ensures that our Family Facilities and care are second to none. Michaela brings a wealth of experience and knowledge after working with addicts and their families for over two decades.


Chief Financial Officer
Chairman of the Board

Mark Hughes has an abundance of experience with business and finance, and understands that addiction and mental health industries are in crisis! – ‘we need more recovery centers and professionals in this industry’. Mark has been our guiding light with his experience, compassion and guidance.


Head of Operation Outreach

As a retired Firefighter, Jeff has an abundance of experience with addiction and mental health issues among his peers. We are proud to call Jeff a friend, mentor, and passionate supporter of saving first responders. If you are in emergent need of help, contact Jeff today!