Below is a self-screening for suicide ideations for firefighters/EMT.  Please circle either Y= Yes, or N=No.  When you have completed screening please review your score at the end of the screening.

  1. Are you feeling like a burden to your family, friends, or Fire Company or EMS organization? Y/N
  2. Do you feel the world would be a better place without you in it? Y/N
  3. Have you started to isolate yourself from others in the firehouse or EMS location? Y/N  At Home? Y/N
  4. Have you found yourself turning to alcohol or other addictive behaviors to make yourself feel better?  Y/N
  5. Have you or someone close to you noticed that your sleeping patterns have changed? Y/N
  6. Are you thinking, “What’s the use?” when going to the firehouse or responding on calls? Y/N
  7. Do you find yourself thinking about or performing unnecessary risks while at a fire scene or on an emergency incident? Y/N
  8. Have you found an increased or new interest in risky activities outside the firehouse/EMT organization such as: sky-diving, reckless motorcycle riding or purchasing guns? Y/N
  9. Are you displaying unexplained angry emotions or have you been disciplined recently for anger towards other firefighters/EMTs?      Officers?     Or the Public within the last few months? Y/N                                                                                                                                    (Any option will receive a circle of Yes)
  10. Have you been told that “you have changed” by:  Friends?     Family?    Fellow coworkers? Y/N                                                                                                                      (Any option will receive a circle of Yes)
  11. Does your family have a history of a suicide? Y/N
  12. Do you have a history of feeling depressed? Y/N
  13. Do you have feelings of hopelessness? Y/N
  14. Do you feel like killing yourself? Y/N
  15. Have you created plans to kill yourself? Y/N
  16. Have you recently attempted to kill yourself? Y/N

Scoring: Total the amount of (Yes) circled.
If you circled question 14, 15 or 16, SEEK HELP IMMEDIATELY by Dialing 911
or  calling the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255
or calling the Share the Load Program 1-888-731-3473
Once you have reached one of the above, call a trusted family member, friend, chaplain, or counselor.
Firefighter Behavioral Health Alliance (FBHA) recommends that if a person answers YES to at least three of these questions, it would be recommended that you contact a local Mental Health Care Professional that deals with firefighters/EMTs that suffer from suicidal ideations and depression.  If you need assistance in finding a counselor in your area, contact FBHA for further information at 847-209-8208.